Psychological foundations of English Language Teaching

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Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle


Chapter I has to do with the conceptualization of learning and teaching a foreign language where we start studying the acquisiton of a language and the learning theories of second language learning followed by the thoeries of the acquisition of L1 and L2. Also we have studies the theories about the acquisition of L1 and L2 as well as the topic of language behavior and the innate theory. Furthermore, we studied the language as metal construction with the constructivist theory and the interactionist one. In chapter II we give a general overview of the factor influencingthe learning of L2. In this chapter, we present information that can be read and take into account the studies of intelligence, aptitude, motivation, attitude, personality, age, learning styles and learning strategies. Chapter III comprises the study of some theories, methods and approaches in the acquisition of L2 such as Grammar-translation method,Direct method, Oral and situational approach, Audio-lingual method, Total Physical Response: the alternative to traditional methods, Current approaches: pursuing communication and natural acquisition, Communicative approach or Communicative Language Teaching and the Natural Approach or Monitor Model. Finally, we present a lesson plan for my my class, its corresponding lesson plan,conclusions and critical appraisal and suggestions.



Conceptualization of learning and teaching a foreign language, Factors influencing the learning of an L2, Theories , methods and approaches in the acquisition of L2


Vilcapoma Perez, J. (2019). Psychological foundations of English Language Teaching (Monografía de pregrado). Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Lima, Perú